As a whole there is a lot going on in the school and district. Some is good and all can use improvement. On a 1-5 (1 being poor and 5 being awesome) scale I’m going to rate the high school based on my experience and observations. I acknowledge that I’m not in these classes daily and hear most information from students and not the teachers.
Many of the teachers liit the voice of the students and don’t allow or require them to share. They are asked to parrot information and not process and respond. Some classes this is the base of their daily lesson but most seem to be sit and listen classes.
Some teachers have integrated choice into projects and learning but the standard worksheet and homework is still king here. The English teachers offer more choices on demonstrating learning but several other classes have so much room for these activities in their lessons.
Time for Reflection-3
Students are being asked more to reflect on their choices and the consequences of those choices through the SEL program and the connection with a mentor advisor through Career Cruising. In all honesty, I don’t know what reflection other teachers do. It seems that in staff situations many are defensive when asked if what they are doing is effective.
Opportunities for Innovation-2
We are incredibly reluctant to any change. As a staff they doubt that new can be better and like the tradition and way that things are done. This is evident through the KESA process that the state is requiring schools to conform to.
Critical Thinkers-2.5
I think this is a reflection of choice and voice that is given to students. I believe that the pressure to perform well on state and national testing is what keeps teachers from being able to really do better in this area. We are concerned about the numbers game (test scores, college scholarships and the likes) that we forget that these are kids and they are so much more than numbers. We label students that ask questions and challenge ideas as rude distractions instead of teaching them to be respectful question askers that are able to articulate their opinions.
Problem Solvers/Finders-2
We give information and they give answers. I would love to see more service projects and demonstration of problem finding and solving. I don’t think this falls on the shoulder of the educator but is a parent issue in this community. Parents solve problems for their child and limit their opportunity to learn and develop the skills needed to find and solve bigger problems.
Self Assessment-4
We are making some great strides in this area. With the implementation of Career Cruising we are providing one-on-one conversations with students about their classes, life and life after high school. They are evaluating interests, careers and schools through a realistic and systematic assessment process with the guidance of a teacher.
Connected Learning-3
So many educators feel that they have to be the expert. I wish that more teachers would take the time to seek out professionals to come in virtually or physically to the classroom to give students the real life, up to date information they will need about topics and careers.
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