Thursday, February 21, 2019

Chapter 11- Embracing an Open Culture

One thing that Agricultural Education does well is sharing information and ideas.  Some days it feels that we all are so excited about what is happening in our classrooms that it is over sharing.  On the flip side there is always some that is struggling with some part of the job and looking for advice, encouragement and ideas.  One of my favorite places that this happens is on the Facebook Agricultural Education Discussion Group. Teachers from around the nation post questions and seek help with lessons, managing students and balancing life.  Every post is quick to get responses from experienced teachers and others that have “been down that road.” No one is too shy to ask and it is comforting to have others facing challenges and finding answers so that we know we aren’t the only ones.

"As educational leaders, we must promote and capitalize on open, connected learning."

Within the school, students share their experiences in other classes and with other teachers and that prompts me to connect teachers and see what is happening in other parts of the building. We don’t have a teacher’s lounge but we gather in different classrooms to talk about what has been happening in the lives of students and passing along advise and sharing highlights.

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