Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Chapter 3- Characteristics of the Innovator's Mindset

Constant self evaluation is critical for all professionals and teachers can benefit from it in many different ways.  It is an important tool for growth and development.  Below is my honest self evaluation on the 8 Characteristics of the Innovator's Mindset.

While you couldn't pay me enough money to go back and be a high schooler, I would want to be a learner in my own classroom most days.  Relationships are key in my classroom and I believe the open line of communication and honesty that I have with students creates an inviting environment.  Many of the lessons are student focused and engaging.  I try to make a variety of experiences for students so that everyone can enjoy at least a part of the lesson.

Problem Finders/Solvers
Connecting questions to answers is the base of knowledge. I struggle here.  I love to find efficient solutions to problems but am not always good at letting students find their own solutions.  There are days when I give in and it is easier to just give them the answers without letting them try.  I get caught up in sharing information and forget that they time to use the information.  Some days are better than others and some groups of students are easier than others.

Risk Taker
"Finding a balance between experience while being willing to try something new."  In six years I've failed A LOT lessons and even entire units.  I know there is room to grow here but I like to think that I am willing to take risks in my lessons and classes.  I am honest with the students where I fail to help them see that failure is okay and a part of growing.

Now here is a place that Agricultural Education excels.  I have friends in classrooms around the nation that share ideas and stories that help me become a better teacher.  I'm a part of social media groups for teachers and have a strong support group that I can lean on when I have questions.  I collaborate with teachers around the nations and state at conferences and conventions.

Actively searching for new ideas and updated information is important in all classes but especially agriculture.  We have to teacher history as well as the new techniques, laws and innovations.  There is no one way to be successful long term without observing other teachers and trying new things in your class.  There are places that I'm constantly looking to improve my classes and then there are lessons and units that I repeat every year because they work.  I share ideas and take ideas.

The digestive track works best when you take in items (hamburger and fries) and your body is able to use them to make them into something you can use (nutrients). The same goes as an innovator, you need to create something better with the information you bring in.  Again, this is a place I can improve but an area that I think I can hold my own.

There are people that I work with that turned up up their nose at the way I did things when I started that now are impressed by the response I've gotten from students.  There is a balance between taking feedback from people and for doing what is best for students regardless.  I think that I have a decent track record of doing what is best for students with the input of peers being considered.

Reflection is a part of every week for me.  When I sit down to plan my lessons for the next week I am evaluating how things went the previous week.  I edit and update lessons and projects from year to year in hopes that I'll always getting better as a teacher.  When students seem unengaged then I have to reevaluate mid-lesson some days.  Always room for improvement but I'm very critical of myself so this is something I do a lot.

Overall, there are many places that I can improve in these eight areas but it is encouraging to me to see that I've at least put them all into practice in my life.

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