Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Chapter 1- What Innovation Is and Isn't

"In our world today, what is a student more likely going to need to be able to write: an essay or a blog post?"  -Couros
Image result for what do you want kids to do with technology

In this day and age we can't teach students what we would have wanted to learn or we will put them at a sever disadvantage in their future.  We have to take the time to prepare them for their future and not just the present. We must "innovate or die," in the words of Couros.  Innovation isn't just change but it is change with purpose.  It is a shift in mindset that makes it a big picture and long term mindset.  I am extremely guilty of thinking of integrating technology as a check list found in the left column.  I need to change my mindset to shift from left to right that makes technology more of a skill and less of a tool for my students.

I love the idea that we have evaluate our "why" as educators.  Many teachers burn out or get set in ways that are easy for them.  When the focus is on the teacher and not the student these two things are easy to do.  Sometimes this change is for an entire class and other times it may be just for one student. Innovation is hard but if your "why" is to develop learners and leaders who will have a positive impact on the world then it makes it a little easier. 

Refusing to change will not only reduce the effectiveness of a teacher but also fail our students.


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